7 Matching results
Can you put a steel/wire brush on a RYOBI Bench Grinder?
Yes, you can put a steel/wire brush on your Bench Grinder. Make sure its diameter matches that of our recommended and existing Disc & Bore size, and that the RPM capability of the new Steel/Wire Brush is also rated to handle the RPM of the Ryobi…
Last update: 13/04/2023, 14:35
Is the RYOBI Bench Grinder compatible with sanding accessories?
The Bench Grinder is compatible with sanding accessories. However, ensure the chosen accessory is compatible with bench grinder use, and can achieve and/or deliver the intended result. Consider factors such as RPM compatibility and the different…
Last update: 13/04/2023, 14:37
Bit slips out of RYOBI Drill Driver when driving screws
Bits can slip if the tips are very worn or are poor quality. Try inspecting the tip of the Bit to ensure it is not excessively worn. You should also make sure you're using the correct Bit for the fastener. Refer to the fastener packaging for correct…
Last update: 22/08/2022, 17:09
Can't tighten Drill Driver Bit in RYOBI Drill Driver chuck
The chuck securing screw has potentially loosened - tighten to avoid dropping Bits all the way into the bottom of the chuck. Depending on the type of chuck, make sure when tightening that the Bit is seated on the chuck jaws with equal seating /…
Last update: 03/02/2023, 16:01
RYOBI Petrol Easy Start Cultivator difficult to start
If you’re having difficulties starting your RYOBI Petrol Easy Start Cultivator, make sure you follow the correct starting procedure. You should also check for a flooded engine, stale fuel, if the air filter needs cleaning, the choke has been left…
Last update: 29/08/2022, 11:25
Why does my RYOBI Petrol/Battery Cultivator vibrate excessively when in use?
If your cultivator vibrates excessively when in use, apply a small amount of general-purpose grease to the non-powered drive shaft to ensure a smooth operation.
Last update: 20/09/2022, 14:59
How to stop RYOBI Petrol/Battery Cultivator cutting out
If your RYOBI Cultivator keeps cutting out while in use, ensure the soil conditions are suited to your cultivator. If your model is 18V & 36V Battery, ensure that your battery is sufficiently charged before use. If your model is petrol, make sure…
Last update: 20/09/2022, 15:00